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Ateşli escort, Beytüşşşebap Escort, Escort Bayan, Escort Şırnak, Şırnak Escort 10 Haziran 2020

Open your Bible to Hebrews 1:14 it says… Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? Go ahead and highlight that scripture.

The Lord wants to work with you in fellowship and friendship and one way He does it is to send angels to watch over you. Jesus said, all authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Jesus sends angels to watch over you because you need spiritual help. But you have to trust in Jesus and receive peace even in the midst of chaotic circumstances and situations.

Let Jesus turn His spiritual light on in your life. Jesus has nothing but good in mind for your life and nothing is strong enough to deter His help when you call to Him. Does this mean that you will never face problems, hardships, troubles, burdens or sickness? No! His power stands firm in the midst of any storm that you go through. He never stops loving you, and He sends angels to watch over you because He never gives up on you.

Jesus does some of His best work through unseen angels watching over you. Angels are helping you in many different ways right now that’s beyond your human understanding. Maybe right now you’re going through a struggle, rejection, failure, disappointment or defeat. Maybe you’ve convinced yourself that you don’t have the right connections or the right resources to make your life better. You need the Word!

You see, when you call forth angels to watch over you, you’ll see supernatural opportunities open up for you. Don’t let what you see going on around you to cause you to give up.

Keep your thoughts fixed on what God has said in His Word. You start each day with a conversation with God about sending angels to watch over you. Angels come to guide you on the right path that pleases God. Angels walk with you and fly over you everyday to help you and encourage you. You see, there’s a very real enemy in this world whose aim is to defeat you in every way and in any way he can. Are you sending forth angels to watch over you?

Angels are sent to carry out the Lord’s will, plans, and purposes for you. Also, God sends angels to accomplish great things for the kingdom of heaven throughout the earth. This is the time to go deeper into the Word of God! Always remember, angels are God’s obedient unseen workers who perform for Jesus. They are our helpers in responding to God’s divine truth. Praise the Lord, this is the spiritual key… I want to teach you angels never meddle where they are not called.

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